It Doesn’t Matter What Style of Worship Music

It Doesn’t Matter What Style of Worship Music

There are many opinions in the church as to what is the best style of music presented during praise and worship time. There is one camp that claims old traditional hymns are best. Some people like songs with a contemporary feel that include a drum beat. Some want that sound of the pipe organ. To be sure there are many different ideas when it come to the style of music for the church

In reality, this is really a peripheral issue that can cause division.  What is important no matter no matter what style of music is presented the goal is to connect with God.  Worship music is not about genre or visuals.  The crux of the matter is an attitude of the heart.

However, there is some value to entertainment.  The style of music and the atmosphere in the church can and should draw the unbeliever.  The music needs to minister to the individual.  It needs to be a conduit that allows the worshiper to connect with God.

There are some things to consider when examining songs of worship.  It is important to listen to the words. If the words are based on the Bible and filled with the God’s word, style does not matter.  What the worship needs to do is take the lyrics and meditate on the words.  While singing allow the heart to transform the lyrics into worship of God.  Doing this is facilitate a connection with God.

Keep these things in mind when you start to complain or dismiss a song because of its style. It is not about the presentation or how it is sung. It is about putting the Word of God in the voice of the worshiper to create fellowship with Him.

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