Only Sovereign Lord Worship Song Unpacking the Song’s Message

I wanted to take a moment to share with you the story behind a song that’s close to my heart – “Only Sovereign Lord.” As the person who write the lyrics, I want to give you a glimpse into the inspiration and message behind this worship and praise song.

The Origin of “Only Sovereign Lord”

This song was born out of a deep desire to convey a powerful message of faith and reverence for our Creator, who is the “Only Sovereign Lord” of the universe. You see, my desire was to create a song that would inspire worshipers in our church community.

Song Lyrics

Before going any further here are the lyrics to the song “Only Sovereign Lord”


Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
Seated on the throne
You are worthy of all praise
bowing down I honor you

Only Sovereign Lord 
At Your feet I fall
Only Sovereign Lord 
You are above all 

Mighty, Mighty, is the Lamb
High and lifted up
You're the Savior of my soul
By Your blood I've overcome

Only Sovereign Lord 
At Your feet I fall
Only Sovereign Lord 
You are above all

I surrender my life to you
I surrender my life to you

Only Sovereign Lord 
At Your feet I fall
Only Sovereign Lord 
You are above all

Understanding Sovereignty

When singing the lyrics “Only Sovereign Lord,” we acknowledge that God is the ultimate ruler over all creation. He possesses supreme authority, autonomy, and independence. He is the one who made the heavens and the earth, and everything in them. This is realized by this Bible verse.

And when they heard it, they lifted their voices together to God and said, “Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them,

Acts 4:24

In the context of the song “Only Sovereign Lord” the term “sovereign” is used to describe God’s supreme and unmatched authority and control over all creation and events. God is seen as the ultimate ruler and the one who exercises sovereign authority over the universe. Here are some attribute of sovereignty.

Supreme Authority: A sovereign entity has the ultimate and highest authority within its defined scope. It has the ability to exercise power without being subject to a higher authority.

Autonomy: Sovereignty implies self-governance and the ability to make independent decisions without external coercion or control.

Independence: A sovereign entity is typically independent and not under the rule or authority of another entity.

Jurisdiction: Sovereignty often pertains to a specific realm, where the sovereign entity exercises its authority and control. In the case of God that is the entire universe and everything it contains.

Biblical Inspiration for Only Sovereign Lord Worship Song

One of the most important aspects of this song is its connection to Scripture. Each line was carefully crafted to align with the timeless wisdom found in the Bible. It’s remarkable how the lyrics seamlessly intertwine with the Word of God. Let;’s breakdown each lyric and its relation to scripture.

Lyric: “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord”

“Holy, Holy, Holy Lord”: These words echo the heavenly creatures in Revelation 4:8, who continually proclaim the holiness of God. The repetition emphasizes the absolute holiness and sovereignty of our Creator. Singing “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord,” it’s like joining in with the heavenly creatures in Revelation 4:8.

“Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.'”

As mentioned above, this verse is part of the heavenly worship scene in Revelation. It is where four living creatures continuously declare the holiness of the “Lord God Almighty.”. The repetition of “holy” three times emphasizes the absolute holiness and sovereignty of God. A God who is eternal, encompassing the past, present, and future.

This lyric beautifully illustrates the idea that God is the “Only Sovereign Lord”. He is continuously worshipped by heavenly beings for His unmatched authority and holiness. It serves as a reminder that God’s holiness is beyond our comprehension. And it is a central aspect of our worship, signifying that He is set apart and perfect.

The lyric “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord” emphases that God’s holiness is immeasurable and a central theme in worship. When we acknowledge God’s holiness in our worship, we join in this declaration, recognizing His separateness and perfection.

Lyric: “Seated on the throne”

Seated on the throne” really lines up with what we see in Revelation 4:2. This is where John has this vision of God sitting on His heavenly throne. This imagery represents God’s sovereignty and authority over all things.

“At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it.”

Looking at Revelation 4:2 it describes the vision of the Apostle John. In this vision he is taken into the heavenly realm and sees a throne in heaven God sitting on it. This represents His sovereignty and authority. This vision vividly portrays God’s sovereignty. And His central position as the ruler of the universe, reaffirming the concept of God as the “Only Sovereign Lord.”

He is seated on the throne, signifying His supreme authority and control over all things in heaven and on earth. Making it a powerful image of His sovereignty and ultimate authority. So, when we sing these words, we’re acknowledge that God reigns supreme. Singing these words is our acknowledgment that God reigns supreme and is in control of all things. Because He is pictured on His heavenly throne.

Lyric: “You are worthy of all praise”

“You are worthy of all praise”: These words mirror Psalm 145:3. This verse declares that God is most worthy of praise, His greatness beyond human comprehension. When we sing this lyric it’s like echoing Psalm 145:3. We are singing that God is great and deserves all our praise.

“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.”

Psalm 145:3 emphasizes the greatness of the Lord and declares that He is most worthy of praise. This verse aligns with the theme of God’s sovereignty as the “Only Sovereign Lord.” The lyric highlights His greatness is beyond human comprehension, underlining His unrivaled majesty and authority. It serves as a powerful testament to God’s sovereignty and His deserving of our worship and adoration.

This lyric emphasizes that worship is all about recognizing God’s worthiness, giving Him the honor and adoration He truly deserves. The lyric declares that God is great and deserving of all praise. It underscores the idea that worship involves recognizing God’s worthiness and giving Him the honor and adoration He deserves.

Lyric: “Bowing down I honor you”

“Bowing down I honor you”: This line takes us to Psalm 95:6. This scriptures calls us to bow down in worship before the Lord our Maker. By doing this it reflects an attitude of humility and reverence. This lyric reflects the humility and reverence found in Psalm 95:6. Where it encourages us to bow down in worship before our Maker.

“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”

Psalm 95:6 calls us to engage in an act of worship by bowing down and kneeling before the Lord our Maker. As we do it reflects an attitude of humility and reverence. It acknowledges God’s sovereignty as our “Only Sovereign Lord. ” It emphasises the importance of approaching worship with respect and adoration, recognizing His authority over our lives.

When we sing this, we express our willingness to submit to God’s sovereignty and acknowledge His greatness. “Bowing down I honor you” represents humility and reverence. Where we are encouraged to bow down in worship before our Maker. This lyric signifies our willingness to submit to God’s sovereignty and acknowledge His greatness.

Lyric: “Mighty, Mighty, is the Lamb”

“Mighty, Mighty, is the Lamb”: It resonates with Revelation 5:12. This passage shows heavenly beings declaring Jesus as worthy to receive power and glory. With this act we emphasizes His role as the mighty Savior. This lyric show a picture where heavenly beings declare Jesus as worthy to receive power and glory.

“In a loud voice they were saying: ‘Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!'”

Revelation 5:12 is a powerful declaration from heavenly beings, praising the Lamb of God, which refers to Jesus Christ. This verse underscores the worthiness of Jesus, who, through His sacrifice, conquered sin and death. It also speaks to His sovereignty and the adoration He receives in heaven. The acknowledgment of Jesus as “worthy” aligns with the theme of God’s sovereignty. It also emphasizes the centrality of Christ’s role in the divine plan.

This lyric reminds us of Jesus’ incredible might as the Savior who conquered sin and death. The lyric resonates with the scripture, where heavenly beings declare the Lamb (Jesus) as worthy to receive power and glory. By which we are emphasizing Jesus’ role as the mighty Savior who conquered sin and death.

Lyric: “High and lifted up”

“High and lifted up”: This reminds us of Isaiah’s vision in Isaiah 6:1. This is where he saw the Lord high and exalted on His throne, portraying God’s majestic authority. When we sing “High and lifted up,” it’s like the vision Isaiah had where he saw the Lord high and exalted on His throne.

“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple.”

Isaiah 6:1 describes the prophet Isaiah’s vision of the Lord in the temple. He beholds the Lord as high and exalted, seated on a throne. He sees the train of His robe filling the temple. This imagery portrays the majesty and sovereignty of God, emphasizing His exalted position. It aligns with the lyrics “High and lifted up.” This highlights God’s supreme authority and glory and reinforcing the concept of God as the “Only Sovereign Lord.”

This lyric paints a picture of God’s exalted position and majesty, inspiring awe and deepening our worship. Isaiah sees the Lord high and exalted on His throne, portraying God’s exalted position and majesty that inspire awe and worship.

Lyric: “You’re the Savior of my soul”

“You’re the Savior of my soul”: Think of Luke 2:11. The scripture announces Jesus as the Savior, the Messiah, and the Lord, underlining His sovereignty.

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

Luke 2:11 announces the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, proclaiming Him as the Savior, the Messiah, and the Lord. This verse directly relates to the lyric “You’re the Savior of my soul” in the song “Only Sovereign Lord.” The lyric is reinforcing the idea that Jesus is the central figure in God’s plan of salvation. It acknowledging His sovereignty as the promised Messiah and Lord.

This lyric expresses our acknowledgment that Jesus rescues us from sin and offers eternal life. “You’re the Savior of my soul” connects with Luke 2:11. In this verse it declares Jesus as the Savior, expressing our acknowledgment that He saves us from sin and offers eternal life.

Lyric: “By Your blood I’ve overcome”

“By Your blood I’ve overcome”: This reflects the victory achieved through Christ’s sacrifice, as mentioned in Revelation 12:11.

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

Revelation 12:11 speaks of believers’ victory achieved through the blood of the Lamb, representing Jesus Christ. This verse connects with the lyric “By Your blood I’ve overcome” in the song “Only Sovereign Lord.” The lyric emphasizes the redemptive power of Jesus’ sacrifice. It explains how believers conquer sin and adversity through their faith in Him. It highlights Jesus’ sovereignty as the Lamb of God who secures triumph over all challenges.

This lyric underscores our redemption through Jesus’ blood and our victory over sin through faith in Him. “By Your blood I’ve overcome” reflects the victory obtained through Christ’s sacrifice, as mentioned in Revelation 12:11. The lyric is emphasizing our redemption through His blood and our triumph over sin through faith in Him.

Lyric: “I surrender my life to you”

“I surrender my life to you”: It echoes Romans 12:1. This passage urges us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God, an essential aspect of genuine worship. When we sing “I surrender my life to you,” it’s like living out Romans 12:1. Which encourages us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

Romans 12:1 encourages believers to offer themselves as living sacrifices to God, motivated by His mercy. This verse aligns with the lyric “I surrender my life to you” in the song “Only Sovereign Lord” The song emphasises the act of surrendering our lives to God as an essential aspect of genuine worship.

By doing so, we acknowledge God’s sovereignty and seek to align our will with His. Making it a true and pleasing form of worship that signifies our commitment to yield our lives to God’s sovereignty and will, at the heart of true worship.

“I surrender my life to you” echoes the idea of offering ourselves as living sacrifices, as encouraged in Romans 12:1. By do so, it is builds our commitment to yield our lives to God’s sovereignty. Making it a central aspect of true worship.

What It All Means

As the songwriter behind “Only Sovereign Lord,” my hope is that this song touches your heart and resonates with your faith journey. Worship isn’t just a performance; it’s an opportunity to connect with the One who holds all authority and power.

I encourage you to reflect on how this song speaks to you personally. How does it deepen your understanding of God’s sovereignty and the significance of worship in your life? Which parts of the lyrics or related Scriptures resonate with you the most?

Let’s not stop at understanding but put our faith into action. Incorporate the themes of this song into your daily life. Here are 3 thing to remember

  • Surrender your heart daily to the “Only Sovereign Lord,”
  • meditate on His Word, and
  • let your life be a testament to His greatness.

Thank you for taking the time to explore the heart and soul behind “Only Sovereign Lord.” May this song continue to inspire and uplift your worship experience.

Use ‘Only Sovereign Lord’ Worship Song for Ministry

This song was written for the Christian church to be used to minister to congregation through song. As such I invite worship leaders to consider using the song as a part of your worship set. For you convenience song resources are available. You can get them at page: Only Sovereign Lord Song Resources. Should you decide to use the song your feedback is appreciated.

“Only Sovereign Lord” A Song of Worship and Surrender Acts 4:24

“Only Sovereign Lord” is a worship song that I wrote that exalts Jesus as the only supreme ruler who is worthy of all praise and worship. The song is inspired several bible verses such as Acts 4:24 and Psalm 146:1-2.

About Only Sovereign Lord

The song opens with the words “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, Seated on the throne,” expressing awe and reverence in the presence of God. The phrase “Only Sovereign Lord” is repeated throughout the song, highlighting the fact that there is no one else like God.

The chorus of the song reinforces this idea by declaring, “At Your feet I fall, You are above all.” This line emphasizes the willingness to submit to God’s authority and acknowledge His greatness.

The second verse of the song focuses on the sacrifice of Jesus and the salvation that is available to those who believe in Him. The line “By Your blood I’ve overcome” speaks of the power of the cross to conquer sin and death.

The song ends with a call to surrender to Jesus, as the song repeats the phrase “I surrender my life to You.” This declaration encapsulates the heart of the Christian faith, which is to live for God’s glory and submit to His will.

Only Sovereign Lord a song for worshipers

This song is for worshippers. As a worship leader, you have the opportunity to create an atmosphere of worship that inspires and encourages those around you. “Only Sovereign Lord” is a valuable resource for leading your congregation to a deeper relationship with God. This song’s powerful message and uplifting melody make it an ideal choice for opening or closing your service or for any time of worship.

Incorporating “Only Sovereign Lord” into your worship services can help your congregation to focus on the holiness and majesty of God. This song invites believers to bow down in worship and surrender their lives to Him, which is a vital aspect of our faith.

Biblical foundations for the song Only Sovereign Lord

Choosing songs that align with biblical truths and inspire your congregation to worship God is essential. “Only Sovereign Lord” is a song that is based on Acts 4:24 and Psalm 146:1-2, which provide a strong foundation for its lyrics and message. These verses acknowledge God as the supreme ruler and creator of all things and highlight the importance of praising God with our whole being.

Acts 4:24 reads,

“When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. ‘Sovereign Lord,’ they said, ‘you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.'”

The song “Only Sovereign Lord” echoes this sentiment with lyrics such as “Seated on the throne” and “You are above all,” emphasizing God’s supreme authority and majesty.

Psalm 146:1-2 states,

“Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.”

The lyrics of “Only Sovereign Lord” encourage us to bow down and honor God, recognizing Him as the Savior of our souls and the one who has overcome sin and death through His sacrifice on the cross.

Final word on Only Sovereign Lord

In conclusion, “Only Sovereign Lord” is a beautiful song that calls Christians to worship God with all our heart, mind, and soul. It acknowledges Him as the supreme ruler and creator of all things and invites us to surrender our lives to Him in worship. Incorporating this song into your worship services can help your congregation to connect with God in a deeper way and experience the transformative power of worship. Visit to access resources that will help you to lead this song with confidence and passion.

Listen to Only Sovereign Lord

#Christian worship songs, #Psalm 146:1-2 #Surrender to God #Holiness and majesty of God #Christian faith and salvation #Leading worship services #Biblical foundations for worship songs #Transformative power of worship #Deepening relationship with God through worship

Only Sovereign Lord – Song Resources

Worship song resources for Only Sovereign Lord by John Pape. Worship leader’s use these song resources to learn the song to use in your ministry.


Song Information

SongwriterJohn Earl Pape
TagsHoly ,Christian Rock, Heaven, God, Contemporary Christian, Jesus, God, Sovereign, Surrender
ScripturesActs 4:24
Psalms 146:1-2
Revelation 15:3
John 1:29




Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
Seated on the throne
You are worthy of all praise
bowing down I honor you

Only Sovereign Lord 
At Your feet I fall
Only Sovereign Lord 
You are above all 

Mighty, Mighty, is the Lamb
High and lifted up
You're the Savior of my soul
By Your blood I've overcome

Only Sovereign Lord 
At Your feet I fall
Only Sovereign Lord 
You are above all

I surrender my life to you
I surrender my life to you

Only Sovereign Lord 
At Your feet I fall
Only Sovereign Lord 
You are above all

About This Song

The meaning of the word sovereign is “a supreme ruler”. That is who the Lord Jesus is. Also, there is only one Lord we need to follow. That is where the title comes, Only Sovereign Lord. The song starts out exalting Jesus as a holy Lord in His rightful place on the throne. This speaks of his royalty and position to rule. When looking to Jesus the appropriate response in worship. In the song this act is shown honor through bowing at his feet and lifting him up.

Only Sovereign Lord – Song Story

The main reason I write worship songs like Only Sovereign Lord is to be a blessing and resource for the Christian church. As I ponder about the song Only Sovereign Lord here are some answers to questions that hopefully share the song’s story.

The meaning of the word sovereign is “a supreme ruler”. That is who the Lord Jesus is. Also, there is only one Lord we need to follow. That is where the title comes, Only Sovereign Lord.

Song Lyrics

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
Seated on the throne
You are worthy of all praise
bowing down I honor you

Only Sovereign Lord 
At Your feet I fall
Only Sovereign Lord 
You are above all 

Mighty, Mighty, is the Lamb
High and lifted up
You're the Savior of my soul
By Your blood I've overcome

Only Sovereign Lord 
At Your feet I fall
Only Sovereign Lord 
You are above all

I surrender my life to you
I surrender my life to you

Only Sovereign Lord 
At Your feet I fall
Only Sovereign Lord 
You are above all

The song starts out exalting Jesus as a holy Lord in His rightful place on the throne. This speaks of his royalty and position to rule. When looking to Jesus the appropriate response in worship. In the song this act is shown honor through bowing at his feet. In Act 4:24 it is written

“When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.”

The role of the Christian worshipper is to give honor and praise. We are also called to place him above everything.

In the second verse the song reminds the worshiper the greatest thing done for mankind. Jesus is the Lamb that was slain for our sins. The amazing thing is that this Lamb is mighty is strength. Through the blood of Jesus comes salvation. Our salvation allows us to overcome sin and death. But there is one thing every person must do to receive this gift.

We find that response in the bridge of the song. Only when a person surrenders to Jesus can they experience true salvation. John the Baptist so eloquently said

“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

We are designed to worship God. The fall makes this act difficult. However, the Mighty Lamb Jesus who is the “Only Sovereign Lord” provides people a way of salvation. For this honor him by bowing down at the feet of Jesus who sits on the throne.

Why I wrote Only Sovereign Lord?

There will be a day in the future where everyone will bow down and acknowledge that Jesus is Lord. In this song the picture I want to paint is what that would be for Christ followers. The attributes of the Lord are many. He is Holy, He is worthy and He is mighty. Our response is to acknowledge that he is the one and only sovereign Lord. The worshippers response is to fall down and bow at his feet. That is an act of submission to His rule.

What inspired the song Only Sovereign Lord?

The song Only Sovereign Lord is inspired by a combination of several bible verses.  Here are ones that stand out in regards to the song itself

When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.

Acts 4:24 NIV

Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
While I live I will praise the Lord;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

PSALM 146 1-2

“And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are your works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are your ways, thou King of saints.”

Revelation 15:3

“Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the LORD our maker”

Psalm 95:6

Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped.

Job 1:20

What message would you like people to take from the song Only Sovereign Lord?

There will be a day where everyone will die. There are options available today as we live to make a decision to commit our lives to God. In this song it is my hope that the individual that sings these words will have a fore knowledge of what it will be like in heaven. Christian devotion to God start now. Let us reverence the Lord for what He has done. Our lives need to surrender to the amazing free gift of salvation.

Listen to Only Sovereign Lord

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