Why the Ultimate Style of Worship Music Doesn’t Actually Matter

There are different opinions regarding the style of worship music used in church services. There are two camps. On one side are the traditionalist who believe that only classic hymn should be used. On the other side are those who believe newer contemporary song should be used. The schism really lies in the instrumentation of the music. Traditional music will feature piano or organ and never incorporate percussive instruments like drums. In general, contemporary songs will utilize guitars and drums to accompaniment to the song being played.

The biggest argument traditionalist have is based on the instrumentation. Specifically, they feel that the music starts to resemble that of the secular world. And to a point they have a decent reason. However, one of the primary missions of the church is to “go into all the world and preach the gospel”. To some extent it may be necessary to “be in the world but not of the world”. Meaning that Christians need to meet people at their level. We are no good if we live in ivory towers.

Let me emphasize, the style of worship music and the division among the church can be a hinderance to the mission of the gospel. In reality, what is most important is the content of the message contained in the song lyrics. Whether it is a traditional hymn or Contemporary Christian Music, we must consider the words we sing. We need to make sure that the lyrics are true to the Bible. If the lyrics to songs we sing in the church become extra-biblical that is a case for real concern.

No matter what style of worship music your church uses, we can still make a connection with God. Our worship is not about the style of worship music, it is about our communion with God. And that stems around the attitude of the heart. It is all about a connection with to God.

Also, when it comes to discernment regarding a particular song, we need to listen to the words we are singing. If the words are God filled and based on the Bible the style of music is a peripheral issue. Meditate on the lyrics and examine the meaning. Allow the heart to turn those lyrics into meaningful worship. Keep in mind, the attitude of the heart is what allows us to connect with God and impact our lives.

In my opinion, the style of music is only a vehicle to reach a certain culture of people. The music will bridge the gap and draw them. What is important and should never waver, is the message of the song. It must be true to God’s word. Anything that deviates from God’s word is apostate and needs to be dealt with properly within the church body.

Finally, when the subject of what style of worship music should be in a church service keep this in mind. The issue is not about the song style or the instruments used or how it is sung. It is about the Word of God in your mouth as you lift your voice to Him in praise and worship.

One more thing, I would love to hear your thoughts, questions, concerns and corrections.


Image by jacqueline macou from PixabayImage by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Cornerstone – Jesus is the Rock Song Story

The main reason I write worship songs like Cornerstone Jesus is the Rock is to be a blessing and resource for the Christian church. As I ponder about the song Cornerstone Jesus is the Rock here are some answers to questions that hopefully share the song’s story.

This song is inspired by scriptures found in the Bible. When a building is constructed one of the most important elements is the cornerstone. This is the first piece that is placed down. It is important because it become the primary reference for the entire building. If the cornerstone is placed incorrectly it will affect the integrity of the the building. The cornerstone is this song refers to Jesus.

Jesus is the chief cornerstone upon which the church is built. Unfortunately, for unbelievers the cornerstone becomes a rock or offence or a stumbling block. During the time when Jesus was on earth the religious leaders eyes where blinded and were unable to see Jesus for who he was. Jesus brought salvation to the world. But for the religious leader Jesus was offensive and a stumbling block and the adamantly rejected Him. This resulted in the the most heinous earthly punishment of crucifixion.

This song is about in individuals today and their relation and belief in Jesus. For the believer there is great comfort, for the non believer it is a warning.

Song Lyrics


True to the Word this stone   refused,
By the builders, was the Rock of Israel.
So, don’t pass by and ignore this rock
Or you will stumble trip and fall.


Cornerstone, Cornerstone
Jesus is the Rock
Cornerstone, Cornerstone
Upon this Rock I'll stand.


Be not ashamed, never run away,
In your belief in the Rock of Israel.
So, don’t pass by and ignore this Rock
Or you will stumble, trip and fall.


Cornerstone, Cornerstone
Jesus is the Rock
Cornerstone, Cornerstone
Upon this Rock I'll stand.


Build on this Rock
Be firm in your faith   ​
and You will know the Lord.


Cornerstone, Cornerstone
Jesus is the Rock
Cornerstone, Cornerstone
Upon this Rock I'll stand.

Why I wrote Cornerstone – Jesus is the Rock?

This song was inspired while reading the bible. While reading the theme of the cornerstone caught my attention. There is a visual image of this special rock called the cornerstone. It this the most important part of the building. It is the very first stone that is laid on the the foundation. Everything about this stone determine how well a the building will be. It needs to be orientated perfectly. It must be the perfect size and shape. If it of off in any way it will affect the integrity of the building. This is a perfect image of Jesus. He is the cornerstone of our faith. But, the religious leaders where blind and found offence in the ministry of Jesus. To ignore or reject this rock has it consequences.

What inspired the song Cornerstone – Jesus is the Rock?

The song Cornerstone – Jesus is the Rock is inspired by a combination of several bible verses.  Here are ones that stand out in regards to the song itself

Scripture References

See, I lay in Zion a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, firmly placed

Isaiah 28:16

The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone.

Psalm 118:22-23

“…by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands before you whole. He is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Acts 4:10-12

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone.

Ephesians 2:19–20

“Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious,”.

1 Peter 2:4–6

What message would you like people to take from the song Cornerstone – Jesus is the Rock?

The thing I would like to see from this song is the awareness that Jesus is the Cornerstone. He is what our faith is built on. During the time Jesus walked on earth many could not see him for who he was. As a result Jesus became offensive and they rejected him. Thing are not so different today. Jesus to the lost soul find offence in him. They find not need for the free gift of salvation. Unfortunately they are are lost. I want the message of this song to bring awareness that faith is built on the Rock.

Listen to Cornerstone – Jesus is the Rock by John Pape

Related Links

Where Do You Stand – Song Resource

Worship song resources for Where Do You Stand by John Pape. Worship leader’s use these song resources to learn the song to use in your ministry.


Song Information

SongwriterJohn Earl Pape
KeyE / Cm
TagsSpiritual Battle,
End Times,
Song for the Church,
Day of the Lord,
Scriptures1 Peter 5:8
2 Corinthians 5:17




Battle lines have been drawn.
By the force of right and wrong
There’s a choice you must make

Tugging away at your heart
Oh, Where do you stand?

It is time, the enemy nears
Search your soul and fight all fear
All around the trumpet sounds

The day of the LORD is at hand
Where do you stand?

Cause the day of the LORD is at hand
Where do you stand?

There’s a war for your soul
Arm yourself for the day
Angels come in the clouds
All the saints will rise up

There’s a war for your soul
Arm yourself for the day
Angels come in the clouds
All the saints will rise up

There’s a war for your soul
Arm yourself for the day
Angels come in the clouds
All the saints will rise up

in Victory!
in Victory!
in Victory!

Oh the Day of the LORD is at hand
Oh Where do you stand?

The Mediatunes Project All Rights Reserved
CCLI 7079620

About This Song

This song is about questioning where a person stands regarding their faith. There is a spiritual battle between forces of light and dark or right and wrong. There is an urgency for making a decision for the Lord as the end times gets closer everyday. There are forces in the spiritual realm that battle for a persons soul.

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

1 Peter 5:8

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

2 Corinthians 5:17

New Song by John Pape Where Do You Stand Release April 1st 2022


EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA John Pape from El Cajon California, an independent, self-managed Christian songwriter who creates worship and praise music for seekers and believers in the church, announces the release of a new single “Where Do You Stand“.

It is schedule to come out on April 1st,2022 on various music sites that include Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon through the online distributor DistroKid. The song Where Do You Stand is a praise and worship song written for church congregation worship services.

This song is about questioning where a person stands regarding their faith.  There is a spiritual battle between forces of light and dark or right and wrong. There is an urgency for making a decision for the Lord as the end times gets closer every day.  There are forces in the spiritual realm that battle for a person’s soul.

As a Christian Praise and Worship song it is based on a couple of Bible scriptures

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

1 Peter 5:8

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

2 Corinthians 5:17

This song is a pure DIY project with the recording and production be done in a home studio. Songwriter and Musician John Pape create the song as a solo artist.

John states, “My music ministry is to create songs that will edify, encourage, educate and entertain people with the goal of creating a closer relationship to Jesus. The songs are crafted to encourage Christians in their daily walk. The songs provide a positive soundtrack for people’s lives.”

John’s songwriting drive is to honor God though words and music. His experience has grown over several years of honing the art of songwriting, musicianship and production.

John is also author of the book “Building a House of Worship”. The book was written as a guide to Christian church worship leaders to better minister to the people they serve as they use their gift of music.

In addition to writing songs, John also uses his musical gifts to lead worship in local churches.

Currently John is working on a project to release several new Praise and Worship songs that were written to build and encourage Christians in their daily walk.

Visit this Pre-Save link https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/johnpape/where-do-you-stand


Where Do You Stand Artwork

For digital assets for this release go to



John Pape

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