Christ in Me Press Release


“Christ in Me” – A Powerful New Song from John Pape Now Available

(February 13, 2023) – John Pape, a talented Christian musician, singer, and songwriter, has released a new song “Christ in Me” that speaks to the mystery of Christ’s presence in a person’s heart and life. Inspired by Colossians 1:27, this powerful song speaks to the hope and freedom that comes from having Christ in us, and the glory that it brings.

The song speaks to the idea that there are many things in this life that are beyond human understanding, but that the singer has found hope and freedom in the mystery of Christ living within them. Through this relationship with Christ, the singer feels that they are made whole and part of a larger plan. The truth of this mystery is revealed through God’s love and grace, and it gives the singer hope and a sense of glory that will last forever.

“Christ in Me” is now available on all major music platforms, and it is poised to become a staple in worship services around the world. As a worship leader, you have the opportunity to bring this message of hope to your congregants through the incorporation of “Christ in Me” into your worship services.

John Pape’s mission with this song is to bring the message of hope and freedom to as many people as possible, and he is confident that “Christ in Me” will be an integral part of worship services for years to come.

For more information on John Pape and “Christ in Me”, please visit his official website.

John Pape



John Pape Christian Songwriter
Christ In Me Song Single Cover Art

God’s Everlasting Light Isaiah 60:19-21

“The sun shall no longer be your light by day, Nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you; But the LORD will be to you an everlasting light, And your God your glory. Your sun shall no longer go down, Nor shall your moon withdraw itself; For the LORD will be your everlasting light, And the days of your mourning shall be ended. Also your people shall all be righteous; They shall inherit the land forever, The branch of My planting, The work of My hands, That I may be glorified.

Isaiah 60:19-21

Today I want to share with you this piece of scripture from the book of Isaiah. It is a verse that inspired be to write a scripture song titled “Everlasting Light“. This passage comes from the Old Testament of the Bible. This passage is part of a larger prophecy about the future restoration of Israel and the coming of a new era in which the light of God will shine upon the nation.

Verse by Verse Summary

The first verse is Isaiah 60:19. This verse is describing the end of the sun and the moon as a source of light, and instead, the Lord will be the everlasting light.

The second verse is Isaiah 60:20. This verse is describing that there will be no more night, and the days of mourning will come to an end, as the Lord will be an everlasting light.

The third verse is Isaiah 60:21. This verse is describing that the people will be righteous, and they will inherit the land forever.

In these verses, the prophet Isaiah is describing a new era of light and glory for Israel, where the Lord will be their everlasting light, and the days of mourning will come to an end. The passage also speaks of righteousness and the inheritance of the land, which could be interpreted as a metaphor for the spiritual restoration of Israel and the coming of the Messiah.

In Christianity, this passage is seen as a prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ, as the light of the world and the end of the age. The passage encourages believers to look forward to the coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world, in which righteousness will triumph over darkness.

A historical look into Isaiah 60:19-21

Isaiah 60:19-21 is part of the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament, which is a collection of prophecies and messages given by the prophet Isaiah during the 8th century BCE. At that time, the kingdom of Judah, of which Jerusalem was the capital, was facing political and economic challenges, as well as religious corruption. The people of Judah were facing the threat of invasion and exile by the powerful Assyrian Empire.

Isaiah, along with other prophets of the time, sought to provide hope and encouragement to the people of Judah by calling them to repentance and faith in the Lord. Isaiah’s message was that God was still in control and that He had not abandoned His people. He also promised that a savior would come who would restore the nation of Israel and bring about a new era of peace and righteousness.

This verse is one of several passages in the book of Isaiah that describes the future restoration of Israel and the coming of a new era in which the light of God will shine upon the nation. It is a message of hope and encouragement for the people of Judah, reminding them that even in the darkest of times, the Lord will always be their light, and that ultimately righteousness will triumph over darkness.

In the historical context, this passage was written to bring hope to the people of Judah as they were facing difficult times, it was a message of encouragement and hope, reminding them that the Lord is in control and that He has not abandoned them. It was also a message of the future restoration of Israel and the coming of a new era in which righteousness will prevail.

Personal application

In the Christian context, this passage is seen as a prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ, as the light of the world and the end of the age. The passage encourages believers to look forward to the coming.

Even though this passage is from the Old Testament it can be applied to someone currently. The message of the passage is one of hope and encouragement, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, the Lord will always be our light, and that ultimately righteousness will triumph over darkness.

In the context of an individual’s life, this passage can be interpreted as a reminder that in difficult times, in moments when everything seems dark, we can always look to the Lord for guidance and hope. He is our source of light and the one who will bring us through difficult times.

It can also be interpreted as a reminder that the Lord will bring an end to the days of mourning, pain, and sorrow and bring a new era of peace and righteousness in our lives. This passage can serve as an encouragement for those who are going through difficult times, reminding them that the Lord is with them and that He will bring them through their struggles.

Additionally, this passage can be interpreted as a reminder of the Lord being the light in our life and that He will be there for us, providing us with guidance and direction, even in the darkest of times. It can be interpreted as a reminder that we should be always looking to the Lord, as He is the one who will bring us through difficult times and will be the everlasting light in our life.

As I mention previously, this verse served as inspiration for the song “Everlasting Light” a worship and praise song written for the church. If you are a worship leader looking for a powerful, uplifting song to add to your Sunday set consider adding “Everlasting Light” to you Sunday set list.

An Interview with Songwriter John Pape

For those who want to want to know more. Here is a series of interview questions presented to songwriter John Pape. Hope you enjoy these insights into the person behind the songs. So let’s get into it.

The interview

How does your faith influence your songwriting and the messages you convey in your music?

There is a very strong connection in regards to my faith and song creation. As a Christ follower every thought and decision is centered around the life and example of Jesus. The message in the songs I create is to point to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I want to convey that there is hope in the Gospel. That to live a godly life is one to pursue with passion. Hopefully the songs will send that message and encourage believers in the faith. For those outside of the faith and are nonbelievers the message for them is to call on the name of the Lord and find salvation.

What role do you believe music plays in spreading the message of Christianity?

Music as a medium is very powerful. The combination of words and music help bring a message to the listener. The musical part of the song will bring a person into the song. Once engaged the lyrics bring a message that point to the Christian lifestyle. In a church congregation setting, as a person listens and sings the words it provides a better connection to God.

The role of the song is to help the worshiper speak to God in adoration and praise. In today’s world there are literally thousand of different genre of music. Each genre appeals to different people in unique ways. A well crafted song in the genre of the listener can attract people though the music.

Can you talk about a specific moment or experience that inspired a song you wrote from a Christian perspective?

Sure I can talk about that. Inspiration is something that sort of hits you suddenly. There are many triggers that will create that experience. It could be a beautiful sunset or a tragic event. Inspiration can be both a positive or negative experience. For me as a songwriter, there are times where these events will turn in my mind. It could be a phrase or a thought that creates a song idea.

One event that inspired a song was a visit to a convalescent hospital. I was speak to a woman that was very ill and close to death. I ask what she wanted. Her answer was simply one word. “Satisfaction” That moment stuck with me. Then a few month later my wife was having a surgical procedure. As I was waiting the thought returned. Then I wrote regarding God ” Only you can satisfy this yearning deep inside” Which is the opening line to the song Praise and Honor. The song was further developed as I open the scripture and did a deep dive on this thought.

How do you balance writing music that is both artistically and spiritually satisfying?

That is an interesting question. Let think about that. There is a balance between artistic creativity and faith. As you know, not all art honors God. I keep that in mind when creating a song. My desire is to create art that honors God. Music is merely organized sounds. If you listen to nature it noises can be a symphony. Of course there are some in the church that downplay the use of certain instruments.

But, if you look into the scriptures there is an abundance of time musical instruments are used in worship. Both percussive as well as melodic instruments. Music is a non verbal expression that will convey emotion. On the other side there are the lyrics and this is where the message of the song is contained. Therefore it is vital that the words are in alignment with the Word of God. Now, I know that sometimes artist will push the boundaries and sometimes those ideas can cause controversy. Everyone has a opinion but in the end the question needs to be asked. Who does the song glorify? It it God or the world? And that is the balancing act of an artist.

Can you discuss a song of yours that is particularly meaningful to you from a faith perspective?

This is a difficult one to answer as nearly all of the songs have some meaningfulness in regards to faith. If I had to choose one I would start with “Cascading River of Love“. Although some of the songs like “Everlasting Light” , “God Has Come” or “Almighty Reigns” are strictly scripture songs and there is a great amount of that faith element, Cascading River of Love is more a testimonial song. It song sets the stage of a listen who is in this dry desert place.

It is a very difficult place to be. As the song progresses, there is hope and refreshment. The lyrics are written in such a way that they create a visual of a cascading river, which is a metaphor for the love of God that is always flowing and never-ending. The imagery in the lyrics is very strong and evocative, making it easy for listeners to connect with the message of the song.

The song has a very positive and uplifting message that is sure to bring hope and inspiration to those who need it most. The song’s message is one of love and acceptance, reminding listeners that no matter what they may be going through, they are loved and accepted by God.

This song is also related to sever bible verses which include

When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away
Through my groaning all day long.
For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
My vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer.

Psalm 32:3-4

May God’s mercy, peace and love cascade over you
Jude 1:2

but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.
John 4:14

If I were to choose a second song I believe it would be Living By Grace. Which speak to the hope we have in Jesus and the longing to fellowship with him.

How do you see your role as a Christian songwriter in today’s music industry?

I first and foremost someone who desires to honor God with my time, talent and treasure. To that end I would say my primary goal is a songwriter. That is what I do write songs. I believe that the song is the message. The message I hope to send out into the world is the goodness of God and the proper response in worship to him.

Songs as a message of hope act like an evangelism tool to be used by music artist and worship leaders to reach not only the church but those outside the church. Song also are tools in the Christian faith as conduits of teaching. Every worship song must have the message of Christ at its core. When people sing the lyrics they not only bless the singer it must also bless and honor God. It is a way to speak to God.

These songs I write are first for the church to educate and edify them in their faith journey. It is my desire that the songs I write go way beyond me and are used to minister to people. I don’t want to be the only one who performs and sings these songs I would like them to be used by the church all over the world. I know that is high expectation but by the will of God that is my heart.

Who is songwriter John Pape?

John Pape is a Worship and Praise songwriter hailing from El Cajon, California. With many years in the music industry, John Pape has built a reputation for creating uplifting and inspiring music that resonates with audiences of all ages. He has released faith based singles.

In addition to his music career, John is also an active member of Horizon Christian Fellowship, where he uses his platform to spread messages of hope and positivity.

John Pape is excited to share his catalog of songs, with the world and believes that it will touch the hearts of many and bring hope and inspiration to those who need it most. To listen to the collection of songs you can visit any one of these sites.

Where to Listen to songwriter John Pape’s songs

If you have any questions or comments for John please leave a comment below.

Why the Ultimate Style of Worship Music Doesn’t Actually Matter

There are different opinions regarding the style of worship music used in church services. There are two camps. On one side are the traditionalist who believe that only classic hymn should be used. On the other side are those who believe newer contemporary song should be used. The schism really lies in the instrumentation of the music. Traditional music will feature piano or organ and never incorporate percussive instruments like drums. In general, contemporary songs will utilize guitars and drums to accompaniment to the song being played.

The biggest argument traditionalist have is based on the instrumentation. Specifically, they feel that the music starts to resemble that of the secular world. And to a point they have a decent reason. However, one of the primary missions of the church is to “go into all the world and preach the gospel”. To some extent it may be necessary to “be in the world but not of the world”. Meaning that Christians need to meet people at their level. We are no good if we live in ivory towers.

Let me emphasize, the style of worship music and the division among the church can be a hinderance to the mission of the gospel. In reality, what is most important is the content of the message contained in the song lyrics. Whether it is a traditional hymn or Contemporary Christian Music, we must consider the words we sing. We need to make sure that the lyrics are true to the Bible. If the lyrics to songs we sing in the church become extra-biblical that is a case for real concern.

No matter what style of worship music your church uses, we can still make a connection with God. Our worship is not about the style of worship music, it is about our communion with God. And that stems around the attitude of the heart. It is all about a connection with to God.

Also, when it comes to discernment regarding a particular song, we need to listen to the words we are singing. If the words are God filled and based on the Bible the style of music is a peripheral issue. Meditate on the lyrics and examine the meaning. Allow the heart to turn those lyrics into meaningful worship. Keep in mind, the attitude of the heart is what allows us to connect with God and impact our lives.

In my opinion, the style of music is only a vehicle to reach a certain culture of people. The music will bridge the gap and draw them. What is important and should never waver, is the message of the song. It must be true to God’s word. Anything that deviates from God’s word is apostate and needs to be dealt with properly within the church body.

Finally, when the subject of what style of worship music should be in a church service keep this in mind. The issue is not about the song style or the instruments used or how it is sung. It is about the Word of God in your mouth as you lift your voice to Him in praise and worship.

One more thing, I would love to hear your thoughts, questions, concerns and corrections.


Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Everlasting Light Song Resources

Worship song resources for Everlasting Light by John Pape. Worship leader’s use these song resources to learn the song to use in your ministry.


Song Information

SongwriterJohn Earl Pape
TagsEternity, Light, Salvation
ScripturesIsaiah 60:19-21, Revelation 21:23, Revelation 22:5




The sun shall no longer be your light by day
The moon shall no longer be your light at night
But the Lord will be to you
An everlasting Light

The sun shall no longer set in the west
The moon shall never withdraw itself
But the Lord will be to you
An everlasting Light

The days of your mourning
Shall come to an end
In righteousness you will
Inherit the land

But the Lord will be to you
An everlasting Light.
But the Lord will be to you
An everlasting Light

About This Song

The lyrics of this song describe the coming of a new era, in which traditional sources of light and guidance (the sun and the moon) will no longer be necessary. Instead, the Lord will provide an “everlasting light” that will guide and illuminate the way forward. The lyrics also speak of a time when sorrow and mourning will come to an end, and righteousness will bring about the inheritance of a new land.

This song is Christian praise and worship song that speaks about the second coming of Jesus Christ. It also tells of the end of the world and the beginning of the new world where there will be no need for the sun or the moon as Jesus will be the everlasting light. The lyrics also mention the time of mourning will come to end and righteousness will inherit the land which could be a reference to the salvation of believers and their entry into the kingdom of heaven.

Overall, it’s a song that speaks of a new era of light and guidance led by the Lord, and a time of righteousness and the end of sorrow.

The lyrics of the song are based on Bible scripture Isaiah 60:19-21. This passage from Isaiah is a prophecy about the future restoration of Israel and the coming of a new era in which the light of God will shine upon the nation, and the glory of the Lord will be its everlasting light. The passage speaks of the Lord being the light for the people, and it also speaks of the end of mourning and the arrival of righteousness. The passage also mentions the end of the sun and the moon as a source of light as the Lord will be the everlasting light. These verses could be interpreted as a metaphor for the spiritual restoration of Israel and the coming of the Messiah.

In this song, the lyrics are taking these verses and applying them to a Christian context, where the Lord is Jesus Christ and the new era is the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is a song of hope and encouragement, reminding believers that even in the darkest of times, the Lord will always be their light, and that ultimately righteousness will triumph over darkness.

Hear That Knock Song Resources

Worship song resources for Hear That Knock by John Pape. Worship leader’s use these song resources to learn the song to use in your ministry.


Song Information

SongwriterJohn Earl Pape
TagsJesus, Bride of Christ, Second Coming, Salvation, Lamps, Watchman, Gospel, Door
ScripturesRevelation 3:20, Revelation 19:7-9, John 10:9, Luke 12:36




There's a day that’s coming soon
When the bride will meet the groom
He will take her away
Make her all His own
When the watchman sees the day
Trumpets blasts prepare the way
Light the fire trim the lamps
Awake all who sleep

Hear that knock
Loud and clear
Open the door
Let Him in
Receive His gift
That's free to all
Forgiveness mercy and love

At what time or on what day
It is not for us to say
Like a thief in the night
He is coming soon
On the day of His return
Everyone will bow their knee
And their tongue will confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

Hear that knock
Loud and clear
Open the door
Let Him in
Receive His gift
That's free to all
Forgiveness mercy and love

Jesus came to save us all
From the bondage of the fall
He was condemned
Hung on a tree to die
Only to rise from the grave

Hear that knock
Loud and clear
Open the door
Let Him in
Receive His gift
That's free to all
Forgiveness mercy and love
Hear that knock
Loud and clear
Open the door
Let Him in
Receive His gift
That's free to all
Forgiveness mercy and love

Forgiveness mercy and love
Forgiveness mercy and love
Forgiveness mercy and love
Forgiveness mercy and love

About This Song

There is a day that is coming soon where Jesus will return to take his bride the church. The thing is that we are all busy with life. However this song is a reminder that we need to be on constant watch for the return of Christ. The idea of knocking on the door is a recurring theme in the Bible. Jesus wants to be a part of our lives he will knock on the door to our heart as saviour.

Here it now on spotify

Living By Grace Song Resource

Worship song resources for Living By Grace by John Pape. Worship leader’s use these song resources to learn the song to use in your ministry.


Song Information

SongwriterJohn Earl Pape
Tagslonging, seeking, hallelujah, searching, cross
ScripturesPsalms 143:6




Jesus lord of all
He died on the cross
His life paid the price
I could not pay

Living by grace
Walking in love
Fills my heart with praise
More and more each day
Thank you Jesus
Lamb of God

I bow at your throne
To worship you Lord
I sing from my heart

Living by grace
Walking in love
Fills my heart with praise
More and more each day
Thank you Jesus
Lamb of God

I long for you in my life
I long for you everyday
I long for you in my life
I long for you
I long For you

Living by grace
Walking in love
Fills my heart with praise
More and more each day
Thank you Jesus
Lamb of God

About This Song

This Song takes a look at how wonderful God is and our response to seek Him diligently. This is a straight forward Gospel message. Jesus died for my sins. He rose again beating the bondage that separates us from God. As a person believes this simple yet powerful message the miracle of salvation is given as a free gift. We must as Christians have a longing in our hearts to seeks Him in His word.

Son of God Song Resources

Worship song resources for Son of God by John Pape. Worship leader’s use these song resources to learn the song to use in your ministry.


Song Information

SongwriterJohn Earl Pape
TagsCross, Christ, salvation, resurrection, blood, trust, Easter, Good Friday
Scriptures1 Corinthians 15:1-4




He’s is One
Who died that we may live
With His blood
He gave all he could give

Son of God - Prince of Peace
I bow down at your feet
Holy and Righteous Lord

At The Cross
The final deed was done
It's His gift
That's free to everyone

Son of God - Prince of Peace
I bow down at your feet
Holy and Righteous Lord

Trust your Him
Believe He's alive
Risen from the dead

Son of God - Prince of Peace
I bow down at your feet
Holy and Righteous Lord

Copyright © 2000 John Pape
Publisher The Mediatunes Project (ASCAP)
All Right Reserved
Used by Permission

About This Song

One thing a Christian has in their life is the pure love of God. As a matter of fact The Son of God performed the most amazing act of love. He died for our sins. Trust in this truth and you can go to heaven. And for those of us going to heaven it is our desire to worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This song attempt to help the Christian understand the truth of God’s love for all of us.

Almighty Reigns Song Resources

Worship song resources for Almighty Reigns by John Pape. Worship leader’s use these song resources to learn the song to use in your ministry.


Song Information

SongwriterJohn Earl Pape
ThemeWorship, Praise, Celebration
TagsHoly, Christian Rock, Heaven, God, Contemporary Christian, Jesus, God, Sovereign, Surrender
Scriptures1 Chronicles 16:31-32




Verse 1

Let God's people rejoice,
With a very loud voice.
Everyone applaud
The righteousness of God.


Almighty Reigns
My Tower of Strength
He is awesome
He is worthy
Almighty Reigns

Verse 2

Let us celebrate.
For our God is great
Praise His mighty name
As our hearts proclaim


Almighty Reigns
My Tower of Strength
He is awesome
He is worthy
Almighty Reigns

About This Song

God is our supreme ruler. He has dominion over the entire universe. As our Creator we must praise and worship Him in an attitude of awestruck wonder. We need to rejoice who He is.

Let My Life Overflow Song Resources

Worship song resources for Let My Life Overflow by John Pape. Worship leader’s use these song resources to learn the song to use in your ministry.


Song Information

SongwriterJohn Earl Pape
TagsProvision, Abundance, Filling, Thanksgiving, Precious, Truth
ScripturesColossians 2:6-7
Psalm 23:5
Ephesians 3:20
Joel 2:28
Psalms 31:15
Psalms 25:1
Psalm 139:17
Galatians 5:16
Isaiah 42:5
1 John 2:26



These resources are available to help learn the song Let My Life Overflow. This song is registered with CCLI to provide compliance when using the song in your church service.


Every step I take - I walk with God
I place my life right in Your hands
Oh how precious are Your thought I can't even count
As God fills me with love so grand

All I have 
In my life
It's a precious gift 
from my God

Let my life overflow
With thankfulness
Thankfulness for Your love

Every sin I've  sinned You freed my soul
I offer thanks for lasting grace
Every breath that I take brings a song of praise		
You made me pure now there's no trace.

Here I stand 
In God's truth
It gives me strength
 to carry on

Let my life overflow
With thankfulness
Thankfulness for Your love
Let my life overflow
With thankfulness
Thankfulness for Your love
Let it overflow
Let it overflow
Let it overflow
Let it overflow
Let it overflow

About This Song

Every day is a brand new day. How we approach it can determine the events of the day. With Christ in our lives we have an advantage over the lost. However we can find ourselves forgetting the wonders that God provides everyday. In fact it is a precious gift. It is a gift of freedom and grace. As we get filled with the Spirit of God out lives will overflow. Being filled to overflowing will spill out and effect the world around us.