Called To Worship Song Resources

Called to Worship Album Cover Featuring Songwriter John Pape

From intimate worship gatherings to enriching church services, from personal moments of devotion to engaging community events, these songs weave a story of spiritual connection. Allow the songs of “Called to Worship” to inspire your worship services with a holy presence, guiding the people you serve into a realm of adoration and praise. Elevate worship moments with the power of these songs, which uplift, encourage, and inspire. Add these songs to your church’s worship music repertoire. Take the next step by downloading the song resources contained in the worship album “Called to Worship”

Worship Songs Playlist

Worship Leader Learning Assets

Below you will find media assets you will need to learn each song from the Called to Worship Album. Use these songs in your worship ministry to bless and encourage the people you serve. Click on icon to open and download asset.

Song TitleMP3LeadLyricsChordsSlidesVideo
Only Sovereign LordMP3 Only Sovereign LordLead Sheeet Only Sovereign LordLyrics Only Sovereign LordChords Only Soverign LordLyric Slides Only Sovereign LordVideo Only Soverign Lord
Cascading River of LoveMP3 Cascading River of LoveLead Sheet Cascading River of LoveLyrics Cascading River of LoveChords Cascading River of LoveSlides Cascading River of LoveVideo Cascading River of Love
God Has ComeMP3 God Has ComeLead Sheet God Has ComeLyrics God Has ComeChords God Has ComeSlides God Has ComeVideo God Has Come
Where Do You StandMP3 Where Do You StandLead Sheeet Where Do You StandLyrics Where Do You StandChord Chart Where Do You StandLyric Slides Where Do You StandVideo Where Do You Stand
Hear That KnockMP3 Hear That KnockLead Sheeet Hear That KnockLyrics Hear That KnockChord Chart  Hear That KnockLyric Slides Hear That KnockVideo Hear That Knock
Son of GodMP3 Son of GodLead Sheeet Son of GodLyrics Son of GodChord Chart Son of GodLyric Slides Son of GodVideo Son of God
Cornerstone Jesus is the RockMP3 Cornerstone Jesus is the RockLead Sheeet Cornerstone Jesus is the RockLyrics Cornerstone Jesus is the RockChord Chart Cornerstone Jesus is the RockLyric Slides Cornerstone Jesus is the RockVideo Cornerstone Jesus is the Rock
On the Third DayMP3 On the Third DayLead Sheeet On the Third DayLyrics On the Third DayChord Chart On the Third DayLyric Slides On the Third DayVideo On the Third Day
I Will Call Out Your NameMP3 I Will Call Out Your NameLead Sheeet I Will Call Out Your NameLyrics I Will Call Out Your NameChord Chart I Will Call Out Your NameLyric Slides I Will Call Out Your NameVideo I Will Call Out Your Name
Christ In MeMP3 Christ In MeLead Sheeet Christ In MeLyrics Christ In MeChord Chart Christ In MeLyric Slides Christ In MeVideo Christ In Me
Everlasting LightMP3 Everlasting LightLead Sheeet Everlasting LightLyrics Everlasting LightChord Chart Everlasting LightLyric Slides Everlasting LightVideo Everlasting Light
Praise and HonorMP3 Praise and HonorLead Sheeet Praise and HonorLyrics Praise and HonorChord Chart Praise and HonorLyric Slides Praise and HonorVideo Praise and Honor
Let My Life OverflowMP3 Let My Life OverflowLead Sheeet Let My Life OverflowLyrics Let My Life OverflowChord Chart Let My Life OverflowLyric Slides Let My Life OverflowVideo Let My Life Overflow
Living By GraceMP3 Living By GraceLead Sheeet Living By GraceLyrics Living By GraceChord Chart Living By GraceLyric Slides Living By GraceVideo Living By Grace
Everything I’ll Ever NeedMP3 Everything I'll Ever NeedLead Sheeet Everything I'll Ever NeedLyrics Everything I'll Ever NeedChord Chart Everything I'll Ever NeedLyric Slides Everything I'll Ever NeedVideo Everything I'll Ever Need
Almighty ReignsMP3 Almighty ReignsLead Sheeet Almighty ReignsLyrics Almighty ReignsChord Chart Almighty ReignsLyric Slides Almighty ReignsVideo Almighty Reigns

The main goal of this resource page is to provide worship leaders with the tools to learn these songs. It does not matter what level you are. These tools are available to take these songs and share them with the people you serve. With that in mind, it is my hope that these song resources will help you become a better worship leader. I am certain that the assets here will help you do just that.

Each song presented here was written to help the worshiper worship God. I invite you to spend some time evaluate each song. Then I ask that you pray about how you in use them into your music ministry. The desired result for these songs is that the church build a solid relationship with their Creator through song. As you can see there is wealth of resources to help you learn and teach these songs.

Quite simply all you need to do is take some time to evaluate these songs. You will find that the songs a based on principles from the Bible. All the songs listed here are available for you to use in your music ministry.

Streaming Services

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About John Pape

John Pape

John’s music is an expression of his faith and a way for him to connect with God. He believes that his songs are a form of worship and a way to minister to others. His lyrics are aligned with biblical truth and offer encouragement, hope and inspiration to those who are going through difficult times. He wants his music to serve as a reminder that we are not alone and that no matter what we are going through, God has a plan for our lives.

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